The Dinâmica XXI, in association with other national and international partners, is developing an Investment vehicles for investors to either enter the european market and get established in Portugal or to simply make financial investments in Portuguese based startups.
The main purpose is to facilitate investors’ (specially angel investors) access to the portuguese entrepreneurial ecosystem.
The investment vehicle is currently being developed. We will keep you updated on the developments.

The International Startup Meeting Pitch Competition provides investors with the opportunity to meet face-to-face with the new and up-and-coming startups. Investors can become part of a jury to select the most promising startups and even make an investment on their businesses or ideas.
The ISUM Pitch Competition is a great platform for networking and for the discovery of new business opportunities. It is hard to keep up with all the new innovations that are being developed out there. Here is your chance to find some of them gathering in one place.
If you’re looking to make an educated investment on innovation, this is the place to be!
Find out how to become a part of ISUM

The Rede Dinâmca XXI, in association with other national and international partners, are developing an Investment fund for entrepreneurship and innovation, particularly startups, to help foreign investors and to promote domestic entrepreneurship and innovation.
The main purpose is to, on one the hand, facilitate the financing of new companies and projects, and on the other, to have a larger budget for investment, that will allow the investment in multiple promising companies, minimizing individual risk and increasing later returns.
The fund is currently being developed. We will keep you updated on the developments.